Monday, June 30, 2008

Timor Leste

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Receipt

Monday, June 02, 2008

George of the jungle vs The Penguin

Read this very interesting post from this guy call Seth Godin, an author and speaker who writes mainly about business, advertising and marketing. This is his blog -
This comes from his blog:

Thinking about Danny Devito

George Clooney is a movie star. He looks like one. He makes tens of millions of dollars a year, hangs out at Cannes and has starlets falling at his feet.

Danny Devito is exactly five feet tall. He was perfectly cast as the Penguin.

Can you imagine the career advice Danny got? The well-meaning people who explained to him (as if he didn't know) that he didn't really look like George Clooney? That perhaps, maybe, he should consider a job as a personal trainer or short order cook...

The math, however, tells us something different.(number of people resembling George Clooney)/(jobs for people resembling George Clooney) is a much bigger number than the ratio available to Danny. For the math challenged: Because everyone in Hollywood is trying to be George, there are a lot more opportunities for the few Dannys willing to show up.

Invest in Danny. The edges usually pay off.

The reason why I found this post interesting is simply this:

In a world where many aim to be George Clooneys and no one wants to be Danny Devito, God IS looking out for the Dannys. Why? My opinion is that most Dannys are pretty self aware and know they can never be a George Clooney. They are humbled by this fact and are grateful for whatever roles come their way, just as how christians should be grateful for the blessings that we have and be joyful in wherever God places us. ( My job sucks is a pretty common gripe. I stand guilty as charge.)
Humility and gratitude. Two characteristics which are foreign to the mod
ern mind.
To be honest, I wouldn't want to be a Danny Devito too.
Shorter than average, a bit on the heavy side, balding and having looks that only a minority of people would say is "marginally cute, like a baby bear".
But as Seth puts in his post "
Invest in Danny. The edges usually pay off."
Im pretty sure God "invests" the most in the Dannys. Im also pretty sure God's heart is for the Dannys.
One final thing that im also sure of...... One day, Dannys will rule the world.
Why? Cause one day, in a world of Georges, God will have an important job that will require you to be a Danny Devito.
When that day comes, what would you say to Him?

So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. Matthew 20:16

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God. Matthew 5:3